Providing high quality metal pressed products to various industries

We provide customers with high quality products through our end-to-end service covering all
the processes from mold design to manufacturing and surface treatment,
with a focus on automotive and electronic parts.

As a manufacturer proposing solutions for product made by press processing

We support our customers' product manufacturing with our start-to-end service that covers all processes from design and manufacturing of molds to the manufacturing, surface treatment, and assembly of parts made of steel, stainless steel, and aluminium. Through our services from trial production, we are able to deliver high-value-added products by process design and mechanisms that ensure high quality.

About us

Established in 1987 as the group's overseas manufacturing base and a wholly-owned subsidiary in Thailand. The company first started its business with parts for home appliances such as microwaves, air conditioners, and televisions. In 2000, along with its business expansion, the company began in-house production of precision molds and built start-to-end production lines, covering coating and assembly lines in post-process for automotive parts such as air bags and door hinges, which are the important safety automotive parts.